
Adrianna Papell Beaded Gown by Adrianna Papell

Available ColorsTaupe/Pink
Available Sizes10 ,12 ,14 ,16 ,,,,,0
For your next red carpet event, try this stunning beaded gown from Adrianna Papell. Features a slimming silhouette for a flattering and feminine look. allover beaded treatmentblouson bodice spaghetti strapsV-necklinehidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closureapprox. 59" lengthpolyester; lined; spot cleanImported.

Adrianna Papell Beaded Gown by Adrianna Papell

Nail Salon Air Purifiers - 5 Features That Will Make Them Effective


Nail salon air can become unhealthy once chemicals from nail polish, remover, and hardener go airborne and stay there. An effective cleaner should have the 5 features below if it is to make a noticeable difference in how your air smells.

Carbon Filter For Chemicals - This is an essential component. It is recognized as the best type of filter to remove gaseous pollutants including odors and volatile organic chemicals that many salon products emit. Using a cleaner that can effectively absorb chemicals and remove them from the air is one of the most important things to look for in the technical specifications and/or the owner's manual.

HEPA Filtration - HEPA is the term that results from the first letters of high efficiency particle arresting filter. This technology is the best for removing airborne particles. Any indoor space has particulates in the air such as dust, mold and mildew spores, season pollen, bacteria, viruses, and even pet dander brought in by customers who own warm-blooded pets.

Add thousands of pieces of minute pieces of nails that go airborne with grinding and filing and the air can become thick pretty quick. Air thick with particles is unhealthy as well and being able to remove them will keep your air fresh and healthy.

Permanent Split Capacitor Motor - This type of motor is designed to run safely and continuously. Designed for high revolutions per minute (RPM), it doesn't need to be cut off for a certain number of hours each day.

Not having to remember to turn the cleaner on and off means that the air can be filtered continually and the benefit is that the air clean in your shop all the time. Being able to let it filter the air in your salon each night insures that you and your customers walk in to a shop that smells clean and fresh each morning.

Wheels - Air cleaners filter the air that is closest to them first. Sometimes when there is a particularly smelly procedure, it's great to be able to easily roll the purifier closer so that the pollutants that go into the air are removed as quickly as possible. Sturdy wheels on the unit make it easy to roll over all types of flooring.

Variable Filtration Rate - This is invaluable option to have during the busiest time such as evenings and weekends. Doing a lot of manicures and pedicures can make the air smell really awful. Being able to pull air in faster will help remove the chemicals more quickly and limit the amount available to be inhaled. And when the air smells fresh again, it's handy to be able to adjust the filtration speed to medium or low.

Remove unhealthy chemical fumes and particles from your salon air with the Nail Salon Air Purifier from at

Purpose of a Chiropractic Adjustment

This may seem like a self-evident topic. Well it's not. The Chiropractic profession cannot even agree on the purpose of an adjustment. There is the fundamental, basic purpose that has been around since 1895 (the inception of Chiropractic) which has not changed, deviated or strayed from its first day. Then there are the fads, the misconceptions, and the attempts to fit nicely into the Medical model.

The most common misconception is that a Chiropractic adjustment is solely for the elimination of symptoms; such as neck pain, back pain, headaches, etc... Although Chiropractic is highly effective at helping to relieve these symptoms, this misconception usually stems from the fact that much of the population does not understand the Nervous System. They believe that nerves only carry messages of pain to the brain. That is obviously not the case. If it was, then there would have to be something other than the brain controlling all of your organs and chemical reactions going on within the body. Simply not so!

The second misconception was perpetuated by early Chiropractors themselves. They actually believed that a Chiropractic adjustment was the cure-all for all diseases. This was in part due to the overwhelming number of "conditions" that seemed to get better under Chiropractic care; and in part due to the frustration directed towards much of the Medical community and their treatment of symptoms, neglecting the "entire person" in many cases. This is obviously just as wrong as the belief that Chiropractic is only for neck and back pain, because many times other things are needed as well to get sick people well. Such as proper nutrition, exercise, rest, and even Medical intervention. Other times, however, a person may have been "sick" for too long for even the body's inborn healing ability to overcome the damage done by years of disease or neglect. Or even for medicine to undo the damage. (i.e.. terminal cancer, people that have had multiple heart attacks, etc).

So what is an adjustment for? Well, when you remove all of the misconceptions and the fads, you are left with one simple fact. A bone in your spine out of place (Vertebral Subluxation), will always have a detrimental effect somewhere in the body due to interference in the Nervous System. This is because structure ALWAYS affects function. Example: If you change the structure of a boat in the water by putting one oar in, the boat will go around in circles. If you put a spoiler on a car, it makes the car more aero-dynamic. If you tie a string around your aorta (the largest artery in your body), blood flow will lessen or stop completely. Structure always changes function. If a vertebral bone is out of place - then it will restrict the communication between the brain and some distant part of the body. ALWAYS! If you remove the interference by removing the bone (vertebrae) from the nerve or spinal cord (this is a Chiropractic adjustment), you once again change the function - in this case improving it. The body's inborn intelligence is once again allowed to control and co-ordinate all bodily functions so that the body can adapt itself to the external and internal environments; survive and prosper.

It comes down to one simple fact; the body will ALWAYS function better without a vertebral subluxation than with a vertebral subluxation. That goes for any and every person with a spine and a Nervous System. Everyone knows that if you do not brush your teeth and get them checked regularly your chances of good oral hygiene are not good. What is more important - your teeth or your spine? When was the last time you had your spine checked?

Fleischer Chiropractic has been voted the favorite chiropractic facility in 2008 and 2009 by the Culver City News Readers poll. Dr. Howard Fleisher graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles Magna Cum Laude in 1995 and has been a practicing chiropractor ever since.

Dr. Howard is a passionate chiropractor that cares for his patients and sees that they receive the best chiropractic care possible. Fleischer Chiropractic offers top quality service to all ages from infants to adulthood. Dr. Howard gives healthy living tips and chiropractic advice to his patients so they can live healthier, pain free lives.

The Best Ways To Improve Penis Size With Regards To Natural Penis Enlargement Exercise

Since time immemorial one of the toughest tasks and challenges a man has come across is searching for ways to improve penis size. It has been seen that the majority of men are not satisfied with the size of their penis and always look out for ways to improve penis size. Some men are worried so much, so that they take extreme steps of taking sexual enhancement supplements. While some of them go for herbal remedies for enhancement of their penis size. While some brave men go a one step ahead and make up their mind to go for a surgery to fulfill their dreams.

In order to accomplish this dream so much research is taking place all around the world. You may be wondering as to why researchers are so concerned and are taking pains to get a breakthrough in this field and why so much research is going on to improve the penis size of a worried man is a big question to ponder. It will not be out of context to mention here that penis is the lifeline of a man. Without this a man cannot be said to be a complete man. A man feels more secure and confident with an enhanced penis thus marrying a gorgeous woman of his choice and can live happily thereafter.

According to a survey taken by Durex, 67% of the women are not happy with the size of their partner's penis, as penis enhancement is directly related to making a man's erection bigger and stronger. It enhances the sex drive and men can really perform and their partner can enjoy more sex with zest and zeal. With an enlarged penis a man can easily strengthen the muscles thus hardening it and improving his control when having sex. All this bring a piece of mind to both the partners. A large penis also means increase in semen volume and premature ejaculation help.

Ancient scriptures have also mentioned that exercises are the sole medium through which penis enlargement can be achieved without any hitch. Taking cue from these scriptures now-a-days medical studies and clinical trials has established that exercise can really increase penis length and girth.

How Penis exercises work?

The sole aim of penis exercise is to enhance the penis size and the amount of spongy tissue in your penis. Penis tissues consist of different blood vessels, smooth muscles and fibers. The aim of these penis enlargement exercises is to address growth in these tissues. However, a tissue takes time to grow. Thousands of men have already enhanced the size of their penis through some sort of exercises.

Exercises which improves penis size

Jelquing- Most of the men are acquainted about this ancient enhancement technique which was being used by nomadic Arabian tribes. It has been said if this method is performed regularly it can permanently increase the girth of the penis size. The method involves movements akin to "milking" the penis in an effort to increase the amount of blood thus gaining enlargement during erections.

Penis Stretching- This exercise as the name suggests helps in stretching the tissues of a man's penis. With the help of stretching, cells compose the penis to grow in length.

Kegel Exercises- During this exercise the target is aimed at the pubococcygeus muscle, which helps in delaying the erection. So as soon as you train this muscle you can prolong the erections.

Medical Advice-

If you are really concerned about the size of your penis and are looking for ways to improve penis size, it is recommended to consult a urologist, who is a specialist of sex organs and could help you suggest various exercises. However, never ever have thought of going for an expensive surgery in quest for a larger penis you will only repent later. The best method which has been universally established is adapting various exercises to enhance the size of your penis.

Information just like this will help you to discover more about different ways to improve penis size and also how you can get penile enlargements exercise techniques

Drunken Driving On the Decline

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AppId is over the quota

Drinking and driving dropped to historic lows last year, new government data show, though it?s not necessarily because adult Americans are boozing less?or less often.

The reasons behind the decline are ?not well understood,? U.S. health officials said in their report. But one possibility is that the rough economy is leading people to limit their ?discretionary driving? and opt to drink more often at home.

An estimated 112 million drunken driving instances occurred in 2010, a 30% drop from 2006?s peak of 161 million, according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That?s the lowest number of episodes reported since 1993, when the CDC first started tracking drunken driving.

Alcohol-impaired driving fatalities also declined 20%, from 13,491 in 2006 to 10,839 in 2009, the most recent year for which data were available. Deaths linked to drinking and driving represent about one-third of all motor vehicle deaths.

Four in five drunken drivers were men. The CDC estimates four million adults drink and drive each year, with 85% of all alcohol-impaired drives reported by someone who had been binge drinking. Rates remained disproportionately higher for men between the ages of 21 and 34, people living in the Midwest and those who do not always wear a seatbelt, according to the CDC.

At the same time, the CDC said self-reported alcohol consumption and binge drinking in the past 30 days did not significantly decline. The total number of adults drinking and driving?and the number of times they do it?are likely a ?significant underestimate? because the data are self-reported, said CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden on a conference call with reporters.

A more widespread use of weekly or monthly sobriety checkpoints by law-enforcement officials could save between 1,500 and 3,000 lives a year, Frieden said. Broader adoption of ignition interlocks, an in-car breathalyzer device, for convicted drunk drivers could further curb the number of alcohol-impaired drivers. Currently, only about one in five eligible drunken-driving offenders are enrolled in ignition interlock programs.

The nationwide telephone survey polled more than 450,000 people. It did not include people under the age of 18.

In a statement, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, an advocacy group, said the CDC report showed drunken driving continues to be an important safety issue for American families. The group said it would continue urging Congress for funds to research in-vehicle technology that could save an estimated 8,000 lives a year, said MADD Chief Executive Kimberly Earle.

Ways to Treat a Cold Sore Properly

Cold sores can be painful and embarrassing. If you are looking for a quick and easy remedy for a cold sore, there are several options. The best way to handle a canker is to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Get a New Toothbrush

A toothbrush can actually carry a cold sore virus if you used it while you previously had a cold sore. As such, it is important that you regularly change your toothbrush to ensure the most sanitary hygiene tool. If you are sure that your toothbrush came in contact with a cold sore, toss it immediately. Saving a couple bucks isn't worth risking another cold sore or two.

Lip Protection

Fever blister can be caused by the sun. Don't forget to apply sunscreen to your lips if you intend on being out in the sun for long periods of time. Just like the rest of your skin, your lips require protection from the elements.

Hands Off

If you feel a canker sore coming on or already have one, keep your hands away from it. Touching it, squeezing it or picking at it can just cause it to spread. Canker sores are extremely contagious so don't risk passing it on through physical contact or through sharing items like water bottles or lip balm. Always keep some hand sanitizer nearby in case you do accidentally touch your canker.

Pop a Pill

Over the counter pain killers can help you deal with the pain associated with the canker sores. If you simply can't handle the soreness, take a pain killer. Remember to only take the recommended dosage as directed on the bottle. Do not exceed this recommended dosage.

Ice it Up

Ice can also help you cope with the pain of a fever blister. In addition to numbing the pain, it can actually decrease the amount of time a fever blister appears if placed on the affected area at the first sign of a cold sore.

Got Milk?

Milk has many health benefits but this one doesn't involve drinking it. Soak a cotton swab in milk and place it on the affected area. This will not only help reduce pain, but like ice, it can also help decrease how long the cold sore sticks around.

Chill Out

Stress is another cause of the sores. When they are not causing you pain on the surface, they are hanging around waiting for the best time to rear their ugly heads. Usually, this is in high stress situations. This is why you may often get fever blister at times you least want them like before a big social or work event. Stress is a trigger so by keeping your stress levels down, you can actually lessen the appearance of canker sores.

Stay Healthy

Like any virus, the sores thrive when your body is at its weakest. By keeping yourself healthy and your immune system at its best you can help keep the virus at bay. Keep your diet balanced and healthy and you'll see the difference on the surface.