Cold sores can be painful and embarrassing. If you are looking for a quick and easy remedy for a cold sore, there are several options. The best way to handle a canker is to prevent them from occurring in the first place.
Get a New Toothbrush
A toothbrush can actually carry a cold sore virus if you used it while you previously had a cold sore. As such, it is important that you regularly change your toothbrush to ensure the most sanitary hygiene tool. If you are sure that your toothbrush came in contact with a cold sore, toss it immediately. Saving a couple bucks isn't worth risking another cold sore or two.
Lip Protection
Fever blister can be caused by the sun. Don't forget to apply sunscreen to your lips if you intend on being out in the sun for long periods of time. Just like the rest of your skin, your lips require protection from the elements.
Hands Off
If you feel a canker sore coming on or already have one, keep your hands away from it. Touching it, squeezing it or picking at it can just cause it to spread. Canker sores are extremely contagious so don't risk passing it on through physical contact or through sharing items like water bottles or lip balm. Always keep some hand sanitizer nearby in case you do accidentally touch your canker.
Pop a Pill
Over the counter pain killers can help you deal with the pain associated with the canker sores. If you simply can't handle the soreness, take a pain killer. Remember to only take the recommended dosage as directed on the bottle. Do not exceed this recommended dosage.
Ice it Up
Ice can also help you cope with the pain of a fever blister. In addition to numbing the pain, it can actually decrease the amount of time a fever blister appears if placed on the affected area at the first sign of a cold sore.
Got Milk?
Milk has many health benefits but this one doesn't involve drinking it. Soak a cotton swab in milk and place it on the affected area. This will not only help reduce pain, but like ice, it can also help decrease how long the cold sore sticks around.
Chill Out
Stress is another cause of the sores. When they are not causing you pain on the surface, they are hanging around waiting for the best time to rear their ugly heads. Usually, this is in high stress situations. This is why you may often get fever blister at times you least want them like before a big social or work event. Stress is a trigger so by keeping your stress levels down, you can actually lessen the appearance of canker sores.
Stay Healthy
Like any virus, the sores thrive when your body is at its weakest. By keeping yourself healthy and your immune system at its best you can help keep the virus at bay. Keep your diet balanced and healthy and you'll see the difference on the surface.