Watch for These Symptoms
We will ask that you watch for the development of the possible symptoms listed and return or seek additional
medical attention if:
• The pain becomes worse or changes location.
• You have an increase in fever or develop shaking chills, or develop a fever.
• You vomit many times or your vomiting persists.
• You see blood in your urine, vomitus, or bowel movements
• You move your bowels many times or your bowel movements stop (become blocked), or you cannot pass
• Your skin or the whites of your eyes look yellow.
• Your abdomen (stomach) becomes swollen or seems larger.
• The pain is not completely gone in 24 hours.
• You develop any dizziness or bleeding.
• You develop chest pain or discomfort of any kind.
Remember that the cause of abdominal pain often cannot be determined from one clinician visit.
Please Read
You develop any new, prolonged, or more severe symptoms of your illness, call the advice consult your clinician.
We will ask that you watch for the development of the possible symptoms listed and return or seek additional
medical attention if:
• The pain becomes worse or changes location.
• You have an increase in fever or develop shaking chills, or develop a fever.
• You vomit many times or your vomiting persists.
• You see blood in your urine, vomitus, or bowel movements
• You move your bowels many times or your bowel movements stop (become blocked), or you cannot pass
• Your skin or the whites of your eyes look yellow.
• Your abdomen (stomach) becomes swollen or seems larger.
• The pain is not completely gone in 24 hours.
• You develop any dizziness or bleeding.
• You develop chest pain or discomfort of any kind.
Remember that the cause of abdominal pain often cannot be determined from one clinician visit.
Please Read
You develop any new, prolonged, or more severe symptoms of your illness, call the advice consult your clinician.