
Your appearance

Losing your hair may make you feel as though you look very different. There are ways in which you can increase your confidence in the way you look, and feel comfortable with the situation.

Women can make the most of facial features by putting on make-up, wearing pretty jewellery, or wearing bright colours to divert attention away from wigs or headwear.

Men could also wear bright colours, or find a style of hat or cap that suits them. These could all help enhance your appearance and confidence.

If you lose hair on your eyebrows, you could visit a beauty salon or beauty counter for tips on how to draw eyebrows in with an eyebrow pencil. Eyebrow pencils are available from chemists or beauty shops. If you lose your eyelashes, you could use false ones if you so wish. These are available from most department stores. Ask staff to show you how to use them.

It may take a while to get used to how you look. Some people find that, at first, they don't feel as confident as they did before in social situations. However, try not to hide away. Continuing with your social life as much as possible will mean that you grow more confident as you spend time with others.